APID's work is guided by four core values.
Our Value premise: Humanity First
We take responsibility for our action and inaction and hold ourselves accountable and transparent to the people we work with and for, this means being answerable for our actions.
We believe that APID’s work is optimized when we work in partnership with communities, local civil society partners, peers, governments, donors and both the public and private sectors. Our partnership strives to work above and beyond the traditional boundaries of structure and culture. We are reliant on one another to know, understand, and love each other as we accept the great responsibility of joint participation, shared goals, and mutual respect.
We approach our work with the goal of achieving the highest possible impact. We leverage the resources available in efficient and effective ways We are committed to having the most sustainable impact for the communities and the people with whom we engage. All our actions aim to have impact which improves the living conditions of the people, contributing to reaching dignity every human being is entitled to. We change and adapt our approaches to thinking, design and implementation as required to respond to communities’ development needs. APID ensures a fit-for-purpose response that goes the last mile, uses all the best available options and delivers the desired impacts directly to the beneficiaries and communities. To achieve the most impact, we commit to effectiveness, relevance, inclusiveness and sustainability.
We know that by embracing differences, actively including a variety of voices, and joining together we can solve the world’s most complex problems. We recognize the inherent dignity of all persons and pledge ourselves to creating and maintaining an environment that recognizes and respects diverse groups of individuals and their experiences. We value mutual respect, a collegial work place, and a healthy sense of humor.