In the Horn of Africa, Millions of poor people are still facing the daily challenge of accessing safe water sources, spending countless hours queuing or trekking long distances, and coping with the health impacts of using contaminated water. Many get sick or die every day because they are forced go without these most basic services. Diseases from unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation kill more people each year making it most urgent health issues.
Access to clean water is also deeply linked to poverty. Water scarcity, poor water quality and inadequate sanitation negatively impact food security, livelihood choices and educational opportunities for poor families across the region,
All of APID’s water, sanitation, and hygiene work is underpinned by protection measures. This means we ensure that groups in highly vulnerable situations or with special needs have access and dignity in attaining the clean water and safe sanitation they need for good health.
Water is central pillar to every aspect of APID’s humanitarian and development work to help vulnerable groups like women and children.
Our Intervention Strategies:
APID strives to ensure equitable access to clean and portable water to households and their livestock by promoting rain water harvesting technologies to adapt to climate change through the establishment of underground water harvesting tanks, investing in solar powered boreholes, as well as rehabilitation and improvement of water pans and shallow wells.
We build water points in partnership with communities and governments, and work to improve water point governance for better management and maintenance. We support provision of clean water in schools and healthcare facilities and we also emphasis behaviour change interventions so that water is kept safe during collection, transportation, storage and use.
Our work means ensuring equitable access to water in both quantity and quality, which prevents disease and sustains lives and livelihoods; reducing environmental health risks by managing sanitation safely and with dignity.